Are your valuable trademarks and service marks protected from infringers? Are you planning to introduce a new product and need help identifying an available and strong mark? Are you confident that you have identified all the marks you are currently using? Do you know the benefits of registering your marks with the United States Patent & Trademark Office or your state trademark registry? Do you have a system in place to regularly check for potential infringement on the internet and in physical form? Do you need to protect your marks abroad?
At MAXUS, we know trademarks. We will brainstorm with you to find a new, strong, and unique mark to build your brand for your customers. We will help identify your existing marks, search for potential infringers, and obtain federal registration with the United States Patent & Trademark Office (“USPTO”) and foreign jurisdictions. Once your trademark application has been filed, we will help you respond to any issues raised by the USPTO or foreign examining attorney and keep you informed of all the steps to registration.
Do you have registered trademarks? What about unregistered marks? Are you regularly searching the USPTO trademark database, state trademark databases, domain names registries, and the internet to be sure others are not infringing your mark and damaging your valuable goodwill with your customers and potential customers? Do you know that you can request that the U.S. Customs perform checks to identify counterfeit goods coming into the country?
An important part of keeping the value of your trademarks is regularly monitoring the marketplace to make sure others are not using your marks and potentially damaging the goodwill you have so painstakingly built up around your goods and services with your customers. This is key to preventing damage to your reputation from inferior goods and services and ensuring that the value of your mark is not diluted by others using the same or similar mark. MAXUS can set up a monitoring system for you to ensure the value of your marks is not diluted and your customers are reassured that they are getting your authentic and high-quality goods and services.
If you have a question about trademark registration or monitoring, call us at 972.661.9400 or contact us online today to schedule an appointment.